Fixed self propelled sprayer not being able to refuel (1.2)
Fixed rare issue with combine unloading (1.2)
Fixed typo in stop refuel text message
Fixed PDA tip triggers stats
Fixed selecting seed type in multiplayer
Fixed baleforks for Agrovector and Agrofarm textures
Supplemented multiviewport script interface (2.2)
Added support for buying mods in multiplayer as client (2.2)
Increased the maximal number of help messages shown (2.2)
Added support for many grain unloading stations (2.2)
Added support for fruit converting cutters (2.1)
Added pickup animation support to baler and foragewagon (2.1)
Improved vehicles and cutters (collision, attacher points, etc) (2.1)
Baler pickups widths increased (2.1)
Improved driving and AI helper behavior of all vehicles and tools (2.0)
Improved AI helper sounds and lights (2.0)
Improved sowing machines (2.0)
Improved barn straw elevator (2.0)
Improved ground collision for brewery and grain mill (2.0)
General multiplayer improvements and optimisations (2.0)
Added NAT Punch-through support for multiplayer (STUN) (2.0)
Reduced time to create multiplayer game (2.0)
Added button mapping to analog axis (2.0)
Shovel level is shown in the fill level bar as well (2.0)
Increased foliage growth time in Hard mode(3x) (2.0)
Disabled environment maps in low hardware profile (2.0)
Price of fertilizer has been increased (1.3)
Improved calculation of milk, manure, liquid manure, grass and silage fill levels (1.3)
Improved PDA tip triggers stats on multiplayer clients (1.2)
Added multiplayer ban and kick user functionality (1.2)
Improved driving behavior of several vehicles
Improved visual quality of wheat, barley and grass windrows
Improved viusal quality of Agrovector attacher
Improved visual quality of chat user interface
Improved visual quality of cow animations
Improved visual quality of windrows on multiplayer clients
Improved mass calculation of trailers
Improved visual quality of multiplayer avatar
Improved shop messages in multiplayer games on the game host
Save settings of the multiplayer game creation screen
Added total number of available open games to the join game screen
Added auto save option to the game host admin screen and added new console commands gsAutoSave and gsAutoSaveInterval
Added savegame history system
Added Internet/LAN icon image to the join game screen
Added mod management screen to remove installed mods
Added advanced controls screen that allows the adjustment of gamepad deadzones and mouse sensitivity
Added new options "allow clients to sell vehicles" and "allow clients to create new fields" to multiplayer admin screen
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