Improved visualization of falling sugar beet at the Grimme Maxtron (1.4)
The back wheel of the Grimme Tectron intersected with the body (1.4)
Fixed several shop description texts (1.4)
Collision of the Weidemann silage cutter was too big (1.4)
Fixed wrong animation of the expulsion with the Kotte Garant 19500 (1.4)
Improved braking behavior of several vehicles (1.4)
Adjusted the collision of the Weidemann 4270 CX 100 T (1.4)
Krone XDisc now can be put on the cutter trailer (1.4)
Kuhn GF17002 and Amazone Condor work more reliable (1.4)
Amazone UX 1801 falls over less quickly (1.4)
In the controls menu lift arm was lower arm ingame and vice versa (1.4)
Several small improvements of the map (1.4)
Canola grows slightly higher (1.4)
Improvements of some menus (1.4)
Some vehicle schemas were corrected (1.4)
Added option to avoid the plow creating fields (1.3)
Added possibility to raise the front of the Grimme Maxtron 620 and the Grimme Tectron 415 (1.3)
Added AI helper to the Grimme Maxtron 620 and the Grimme Tectron 415 (1.3)
Added message that straw blowers first need to be filled (1.3)
Added help text if mouse controls are available (1.3)
Added support for placeable objects with physics joints (1.3)
Added controls to only toggle the front light (1.3)
Improved decision making between folding and unfolding (1.3)
Improved visuals of map (1.3)
Improved and fixed some issues of the AI helper (1.3)
Improved several particle systems (1.3)
Improved placement of vehicles at shop (1.3)
Improved sounds of several vehicles (1.3)
Improved shop description of the placeable objects (1.3)
The Grimme SE75-55 and Grimme Rootster 604 no longer can be turned on while folded (1.3)
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