Fixed potato sowing machine loading from shovel (1.3)
Fixed pickup objects (if player left server) (1.3)
Fixed operating time (1.3)
Fixed station crane (1.3)
Fixed frontloader MP sync (1.3)
Fixed animal MP sync (1.3)
Fixed placable tree placement on loading (sp and mp) (1.3)
Fixed reloading of animated objects (1.3)
Fixed animated objects mp sound (1.3)
Fixed map issues (terrain, collisions, etc) (1.3)
Fixed indoor hud smoothing (rpm, speed) (1.3)
Fixed conveyor belt mp textures (1.3)
Fixed pickup objects (eggs) on client (1.3)
Fixed chainsaw loading warning (1.3)
Fixed chat if kicked or banned (1.3)
Fixed animal breeding stats saving (Achievements now also be reached when relading a savegame) (1.3)
Fixed input collision of GUI interaction and manual motor start (1.3)
Fixed animal tutorial triggers (1.3)
Fixed handtool selling on dedicated servers (1.3)
Fixed placeable MP price (1.3)
Fixed combine straw/chopper effect if helper is hired (1.3)
Improved multiplayer server selection (1.3)
Fixed animal loading to trailer if money is negative (1.3)
Fixed Goldhofer trailer on multiplayer clients (1.3)
Fixed conveyor belt helper in multiplayer (1.3)
Fixed various issues with helpers (1.3)
Fixed update of money when playing on dedicated servers (
Fixed error when buying and selling animals with the langauges Chinese and Russian (1.2.1)
Fixed mirror font on the left side of the locomotive (1.2.1)
Fixed buy state of chainsaw when joining a dedicated server (1.2.1)
Fixed "pause if empty" on dedicated servers (1.2.1)
Controls screen fixes: inverted axis assignment, mapping Y-axis of joysticks, deleting axis mappings, assigning gamepad trigger axes, assigning axes when a wheel has a cluch (e.g. Logitech G29) (1.2.1)
Fixed Valtra T indoor color (1.2.1)
Fixed visual artefacts of the lighting on older GPUs (1.2.1)
Fixed starting a dedicated server if the Windows username is disallowed by the profanity filter (e.g. Administrator) (1.2.1)
Fixed dedicated server web interface showing game admin password and restart button to non-admin users (1.2.1)
Improved detection of potential issues with mods on dedicated server (1.2.1)
Added missing fonts for dedicated servers (1.2.1)
Reduced time bonus of missions based on difficulty level of the savegame (1.2.1)
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