Added radius visualization to fermenters and manure separators
Added water pump running continuously
Added disconnecting feature of sandbox placeables
Added dis-allowance of detaching the reel when the reel is active
Added missing translations
Fixed AI helper storage selection
Fixed manure separator bug sharing fill volume with animal husbandries
Fixed multiple bunker distribution (all bunkers now distribute simultaneously)
Fixed bug when using manure separator on contracting farms
Fixed mobile separator stability on loaders
Fixed JC450 pumping from placeables
Fixed rounding issue on sandbox utilization page
Fixed hoses not being in range when a farm is contracting for another farm
Fixed several model issues (UDIM, shading, dirt and wear, decals, ...)
Improved biogas plant productions
Improved SP12260 attacher height
Changed the Nitrogen amount of seperated manure
Increased placeable separators searchDistance
Reduced synced wheels of Schouten injectors
Update 1.2.0
Bugfixes & Changes
Fixed manure separators not working with placeables on dedicated servers
Fixed sound bug on sandbox production points
Fixed utilization on sandboxHud
Fixed issue when re-configuring the PW121 to no reels
Fixed help line issue when combined with other mods that insert help line entries (PF)
Fixed issue with pumping digestate
Fixed issue with umbilical cleaner not cleaning all attached hoses
Fixed wear on hose end part on reels
Fixed detached pto on JC450
Fixed Lua error with empty placeables.xml
Fixed cyclesPerHours of 2G BHKW12 10x -> 1x
Fixed JC450 lowering in combination with AI helper
Added difficulty multiplier to sandbox fermenter buyPrice
Added check if cloned bedding plane supports color change
Added compressor functionality to PW121 config
Added reset of reel overloading when out of range (15m)
Added proper support for separated manure with Precision Farming
Added HUD info for the umbilical pump
Changed center of mass of DH240
Changed the fillable object detection for umbilical pumps
Changed overloading to stop the reel when one reel is sold
Changed umbilical hose overloading, disallow unloading and attaching during overloading
Changed fill types to explicit to avoid conflicts with mods that insert fill types on categories
Changed behaviour of PW121 waterpump attacher
Various smaller fixes and changes
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