Rule fields, mountains, and hills with specialized machines to maximize hay and forage resources! All 17 authentic machines in the Hay & Forage Pack make your farming-life easier and more fun.
New brands: Brielmaier, REFORM & Reiter
Also included: KRONE, PÖTTINGER, Rigitrac & Sepp Knüsel
Specialized tractors like the Rigitrac SKH 60 with a slope-compensating cabin
Precise mowers for grassland operations, even with side shift functionality
Ideal ground adjustment thanks to the unique design of the Reiter RESPIRO mergers
Easy transport with loading wagons like the modular REFORM PrimAlpin
This DLC is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam and Epic Games Store) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 22 (Update 1.10 or higher).
PC & Mac Version (download)
USD 9.99
Select your prefered payment method and then click BUY NOW to order.
#NEXAT Pack is here! 👨🌾🎉
The world’s first fully integrated crop production system arrives in #FS25! Experience cutting-edge farming with powerful machinery. 🚜🌾
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