FarmCon 18 takes place at the HORSCH FITZentrum. The exact address is Sitzenhof 1,92421 Schwandorf.
For people arriving with their own car, there are enough parking spaces on site. There will also be a bus transfer from some nearby hotels (see below).
Accommodation on Saturday or Friday evening is not included in the price of a standard or early booking ticket, but we have put together some recommendations for you here.
When requesting a room in these accommodations, enter the password "FarmCon" to gain access to the rooms reserved for the event. Without a password you may be told that nothing is available anymore.
There will also be a bus transfer between the hotels listed here and the FITZentrum, which will take you to FarmCon on Saturday and Sunday mornings and back in the evening. The exact departure time is still to be announced, but will probably be 2 hours before the start of the FarmCon, so that you will arrive on time, but can also have a look around a bit earlier.
The bus from Roding will also stop at the train station in Schwandorf (approximate time will be announced).