This Mod for the Landscaping Tools allows you to Paint and Terraform anywhere. It does not matter if you own the land or not.
You can even terra-form where Placeables are, or where the road is.
It is perfect to fix mistakes when placing a placeable too close to a road. Also it allows you to fix misaligned ground and those pesky holes next to placeables.
And obviously it is generally nice to be able to paint and terraform stuff freely without boundarys.
- Landscaping also works below vehicles and other dynamic objects and triggers / everywhere it didn't work before the update
ModHub Update #5 is Here! ✨🚜
This ModHub update is live, and it’s packed with awesome new equipment for your farm!
-Agrar Landtechnik: ADF 3200
-KUHN: GA 15131
-Lindner: Transportation Module, Unitrac 122 LDrive
and more..
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