Multifruit Farmsilo and Deco Silo grid.
CATEGORY SILOS: Unloading station Multifruit Farm silo, large, normal and small, where you can store all bulk materials, including fertilizer and lime. All have a flap that can be opened and closed.
CATEGORY SILOS: 2 Discharge pipes for loading your trailer, which is foldable. This can be placed on any house, tree, silo or wherever you want. 300 oder 2000 Liters Per Second. The storage radius is 100m.
CATEGORY DECO OBJECTS: 3 decorative silo grids with which unloading triggers can be embellished. All have a flap which can be opened.
- Added fill types
- Added buyable with farmland
- Added russian l10n text
- shader fix. Silos no longer flicker when using TAA post-processing anti-aliasing
- Added second discharge tube with lower discharge speed.
- Added new Silo and Deco Silo Grid 4x8m II
- Snow mask only covers concrete in winter.
- adjusted price
- capacity changed
ModHub Update #5 is Here! ✨🚜
This ModHub update is live, and it’s packed with awesome new equipment for your farm!
-Agrar Landtechnik: ADF 3200
-KUHN: GA 15131
-Lindner: Transportation Module, Unitrac 122 LDrive
and more..
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