Added Realism For Vehicles

The goal of this mod is to make the game feel more realistic and
customizing the vehicle for the task more rewarding.
The goal is to make the mod universal.
This mod supports multiplayer and dedicated servers.
No changes in XML is needed. Some data from XML is overwritten!

In the base game many vehicles does not take tiretype into consideration making for example
the lizard pickup truck recive unrealistic high friction at all ground types.
This mod fill the missing data based on tiretrack index making it universal.
Different tiretypes now act completely different on different ground types and
suffers differently on rain and sinking into the ground.
This mod only supports the 4 standard tiretypes: MUD, STREET, OFFROAD and CRAWLERS!
Calculates friction based on size of tire making wide tires, duals and tracks worth the money for
heavy fieldwork but the narrows suffers making it ideal for easier tasks in later growth state.
Adds rolling and sideway resistance meening:
More wheel load, small tires and soft ground = more force needed for pulling or pushing.
Less wheel load, large tires and hard ground = less force needed for pulling or pushing.
Wheels now dig down into the ground.

Pulling force for "Plows", "cultivators" and "sowingmachines" is affected by ground type.
Balers and loading wagons uses power based on fillspeed.
Increased sink of wheels, this will make it harder to pull small wheels in soft ground.
Added missing information about balers and loading wagons use power based on fillspeed.
The power added by fillspeed is now based on the mass of the mateial,
grass needs more power then straw for example.
Slightly increased friction of street tires.
Added the wheel digging into the ground if no traction.
Removed gearbox.
Added support for "REA Dynamic dirt", driving into standing water
created by "REA Dynamic dirt" decrease friction and increase sink of wheels.
Decreased power added by fillspeed with 25%.
Decreased sink in rootcrops from 0,15m to 0,1m.
Added a minimum sideway resistance to make vehicle more stable.
Resolved issue where crawlers sufferd of extreme rolling resistance and low friction.
Decreased the loss of friction for STREET tires in field when sinking into the ground.
Overhaul of wheel sinking into ground: load on wheel, width of tire and ground wetness
now has greater effect on how far the wheels sinks into the field.
Center of gravity height is adjusted between 0.1-0.6m above the wheel axel unless
already higher original value, this only applies if vehcles has got wheels.
Center of gravity position lenght wise is adjusted closer to wheel axel.
Front axel is no longer by default locked when a frontloader is attached.
Changed GUI.
Fixed console only showing two lines.
Fillspeed for calculating fillspeed now uses total fillspeed of all fillunits and not
each fillunit individually.
Center of gravity length wise is now only changed for motorized vehicles.
Center of gravity height adjustment is now lowered to 0.05-0.3m above the wheel axel.
Added a minimum wheel size to be effected by REA,
very small wheels will get lesser effect by REA.
Center of gravity is now only changed during loading of vehicle,
this corrects the "moon" effect of some vehicles.
If center of gravity is adjusted by vehicle customizing this data is now not ignored.
Increased mud particles behind wheels.
Particles was based on vehicle speed but is now based on wheel rotation speed,
this adds particles also when vehicle is standing still and wheel spins.
Tiretrack is now changed when wheels slips adding the visiual effect of wheel digging.
Fixed issue in original script creating tiretracks below ground as a multiplayer client.
Lowered friction loss from wheel sink.
Increased friction loss from ground wetness.
Slightly decreased friction of Crawlers in field.
Fixed issue where HUD was visable even when disabled.
Added separate frictions during wet ground for seansons and "vanilla".
Center of gravity can never be higher then 3 times the wheel raduis,
some singel component vehicle got very high center of gravity.
Code optimization.
Wetness now plays a larger role for wheel sink and wheel load less,
old WheelLoad 50%/Wetness 50%, new WheelLoad 40%/Wetness 60%.
Increased REA effects from wetness when seasons is loaded to balance it with vanilla.
In very low speed rolling resistance was not added, this is now fixed.
Added smoothing of wheel load to get more even rolling resistance.
Sink is now only decreased by moving wheel in rolling direction or by
moving the wheel sideway and lifting at the same time.
Sideway and rolling speed is now based on the same reference.
Removed sink beeing only reduced in rolling direction.
Load now effect how much the wheel digs into the ground,
narrow wheels dig fast and wider digs slower.
Increased friction when wheel reaches max sink to decrease sliding.
Farming Simulator 19
40 KB
User Rating:
4.1 (7673)


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