Bienvenue sur THe Valley The Old Farm....
Il s'agit d'une carte fictive de style européen avec de nombreuses champs(92),
une ferme principale qui reprend tout les animaux. Un paysage détailler et beaucoup de fonctions dans la map
(tutoriel disponnible sur les TV dans les fermes. Mod saisons compatible
ChangeLog V1.0.0.1
-New shaders version
-All meadow fences are removable
-The problems of buying fields have been corrected (mostly)
-Correction texture 1146,946
-Displacement from a wall to the pigsty
-Delete colision in the stable
-New texture for graas plane "cow"
-Correction of freezes for cows
-Delete objects "CalfHut"
-Replace of several floating trees
-Fixed bump on the fields
-Replace bale in the farm3
-Correction of the Traffic
-Added colision in the dicharge zone "Raiffeisen"
-delete objects element1
-Adjustment of the road to several places
-Adjustment of the land around some houses
-Replace two gold nuggets
-The shop road is now easier.
-Delete the info icon in the sawnhill.
-Added a animation of the gate of the farm entrance
-Added a entrance to the second part of the cow park
-The BIOGAZ ramp is now removable
-Added a additional point of sale (grains)
-Added a additional point of sale (potato & sugarbeet)
-Added a fuel station
-Added several points of light
-Pedestrians have been corrected in several places
-Correction of the texture in the silo of the farm (grid)
-Added of removable barriers to the straw barn
-New col for the farm house
-New col for the cowshed.
-New col for the Pigshed
-Farm silo now 2 000 000 capacity
-Workshops on farms are now free
-Many new decorations on the map
-Some other problems have also been fixed...