Small tractor from the New Holland brand.
Price: 65000
top speed: 43 km / h
-Search: T4.55, T4.65, T4.75, T4.85, T4.95, T4.105, T4.115
-Wheels: Standard, Wide, Narrow Trelleborg
- Flashing lights: left, right or both
-Design: With fenders and black grills, fenders and Italian tricolor grids, without fenders and black grids, without fenders and Italian tricolor grids
Front loader
Configurable front lift
Doors that open with mouse control.
Fixed lights.
Improved wear.
Added upper window animation.
New store icons.
Added rim color configuration
New tire configurations:
Iron wheels for use in rice fields.
Improved lights.
Added internal camera movement via mouse control.
ModHub Update #5 is Here! ✨🚜
This ModHub update is live, and it’s packed with awesome new equipment for your farm!
-Agrar Landtechnik: ADF 3200
-KUHN: GA 15131
-Lindner: Transportation Module, Unitrac 122 LDrive
and more..
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