SE Equipment is a company based in Sweden. They make many different choices of equipment for wheel loaders, tractors and other machines.
Now I present my version of SE equipment pack in Farming Simulator, hope you like it!
the mod comes with many different types of equipment such as buckets, pallet forks, ball spears,
and much more. you can also connect the equipment to tractors, telescopic loaders and wheel loaders. So you can take advantage of this mod in many different scenarios.
Category: Lightweight material bucket for wheel loaders:
Price: $2500
Working width: 3 m
Capacity: 4000 L
Category: Lightweight material Telehandler bucket
Price: $2500
Working width: 2.5 m
Capacity: 1000 L
Category: Planning bucket
Price: $2500
Working width: 2.65 m
Capacity: 1900 L
Category: Refill bucket 2 types
Price: $2500
Working width: 1.2 m
Capacity: 800 L 1200L
Category: Pallet fork type 1
Width: 1.5 m
Price: $2000
Category: Pallet fork type 2
Width: 2.2 m
Price: $2000
Category: Mechanical pallet fork
Price: $2600
Category: Bale fork
Price: $1500
Category: BaleSpear
Price: $600
Category: Round ball grip:
Price: $1900
Category: Bigbag lifter 1 Arm
Price: $1000
Category: Bigbag lifter 2 Arm
Price: $1400
Category: Bigbag lifter 3 Arm
Price: $1800
- Base Color.
-Design Color.
-Selection of tool hooks for different machine types.
-Animations for extension forks
and support posts for the forks.
🌸 #Spring is here! The fields are ready, and it’s time to plant the season’s best crops. 🚜 What are you growing this spring? Let’s get those seeds in the ground! 🌱 #FS25
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