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🕹️ Discover the sounds of Farming Simulator 16-Bit with an exclusive interview with Chris Hülsbeck! 🌾 Learn how he created 8 tracks with authentic retro vibes! 🎶 #retromusic Check our blog for more info! 👇
🚜 New on #ModHub: Free machines, including New Holland, Vermeer & Volvo + Horsch Map Update! #fs25 #mods ℹ️ Regarding mods & testing in general, we'll provide more information soon! Check out our blog for more infos. 👨🌾 👉
🕹️ Released with FS25, the 16-Bit Edition lets you farm like it’s 1989! 🌿 Featuring handcrafted pixel art, digitized engine sounds & retro music by Chris Hülsbeck. Get Retro! ✨#retrogaming #16Bit Check our blog for more info! 👇
🌲 Happy #WorldForestDay! 🌿 We celebrate the beauty and importance of forests. 🌳 Explore the breathtaking Silverrun Forest Map in #FS25 and become a forestry expert! 🚜
🕹️ Discover the sounds of Farming Simulator 16-Bit with an exclusive interview with Chris Hülsbeck! 🌾 Learn how he created 8 tracks with authentic retro vibes! 🎶 #retromusic Check our blog for more info! 👇