Alpine Stream: Big guests, Big Announcement and more on November 6th!

October 29, 2020

Oh boy, do we have something planned for you: Tune in on November 6th when our Alpine Farming Stream feat. DjGoHam and Pöttinger goes live on Twitch at 8pm CET! Here are some highlights you can expect:

  • Pöttinger talk with machinery experts
  • Gameplay premiere: Erlengrat with Seasons19
  • Big announcement for a chance to win RTX 3080, PS5 or Xbox Series X!
  • Farming Simulator 19 Premium Edition Unboxing
  • Brand-new trailers

Isn't that enough reason to tune in? Of course, you'll get the chance to win the Expansion itself, too. Better mark your calendar! If you don't follow our Twitch channel yet, now is the time. Remember: Friday, November 6th at 8pm CET!

The Alpine Farming Expansion will release together with the Premium Edition of Farming Simulator 19 on November 12th for PC & Mac, PS4, Xbox One and Google Stadia. Available for pre-order on PC on our website store.


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