Welcome To Stone Valley Farming Agency Edition

Welcome To Stone Valley x2,
- Maize Plus Ready
- New crops Onions Carrot Alfafla New grass
- Stone Valley is based on a area in central illinois in america.
- Animals that are included 2 x cattle yards with custom made barns,Sheep farm with custom made barns & Pigs with custom made barn.
- Stone Valley is full seasons supported.
- Real life case vehicle shop.
- There is 35 fields ranging from medium to large.
- 3 selling points includes BGA - 1 x Real life selling areas 1 x fictional selling point.
- Real life illinois fuel garage & truck stop cafe.
- 5 farms.
- Custom transport missions and field missions.
- Custom soil textures, distance, grass, ground textures.
- Custom transport missions and field missions.
- Custom lighting.
- Animated objects.
- Oxygendavids new lighting
- All brand new custom made farm models and also various farming Simulator 19 features as well as ive put tons of hours making my own models all i ask is for you to ask for permission to use my assets..
- Massive thank you to Shywizard for giving me support on this project and also thank you to ccs101 Bulletbill & Oxygendavid for letting me use some of there models plus also Sir Niall Damo James29 Lancashire Farmer.
- Virtual Farmer - Fs Club - Dj GoHam - Farming Agency
- I really hope that you enjoy Stone Valley x 2
Farming Simulator 19
439.17 MB
Data wydania
Ocena użytkowników:
4.3 (671)


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