Don't know what to do with a stone? You can use this factory to make profit from stone.
Category: Factories
Factory price: 25000$
Storage capacity:
- Stones 100,000 liters
- Stone Blocks 100,000 liters
- Stone Boards 100,000 liters
- Stone Statues 100,000 liters
- Lime 100,000 liters
Production speed and cost:
- Stone Blocks: 18000 cycles/month ;cost: 24$/month
- Stone Boards: 24000 cycles/month ;cost: 24$/month
- Lime: 60000 cycles/month ;cost: 24$/month
- Stone Statue: 2400 cycles/month ;cost: 24$/month
Including selling point for Stone Blocks,Stone Boards and Stone Statue for 500$.
- The lime pallet is no longer part of the production, loading using the trigger
- New production of stone sculptures
- Production and point of sale prices changed
You produce what ends up on the market or in the shop. In 25 seconds we'll explain exactly what happens here in Farming Simulator 25. 🍓
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